Daniel B. Jones, MD, MS is Professor of Surgery at Harvard Medical School and Vice Chair, Office of Technology & Innovation, and Co-Director of the Shapiro Simulation and Skills Center, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. Dr. Jones serves on SAGES Board of Governors since 2004. He chairs the FUSE and past chair Educational Resources, the Quality, Outcomes and Safety and Legislative Review Committees. He has been a member of the Continuing Education, Bariatric Surgery Task Force, Development, FLS, and Publications Committees. He coordinated the SAGES Patient Brochures, Top 14 Videos, Hernia Pearls, Bariatric Surgery Grand Rounds, Appropriateness Conference, SSAT/SAGES Joint Symposium, Learning Center, and Program Chair of the 2012 SAGES Annual Program in San Diego. He crafted the SAGES Coins to recognize excellence. Dr Jones has been awarded SAGES research grants, SAGES Young Investigator Award,and SAGES Leadership Award.